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  1. Ibadah HUT GKJW Lawang ke 59 Tahun Kamis 23 Mei 2024
  2. Mimpi Jatoh Oddbods Kartun Lucu Kocak OddbodsIndonesia AUKartun Anak Anak AU
    Mimpi Jatoh! | Oddbods | Kartun Lucu Kocak | @OddbodsIndonesia | AUKartun Anak-Anak AUMimpi Jatoh! | Oddbods | Kartun Lucu Kocak | @OddbodsIndonesia | AUKartun Anak-Anak AU

    GKJW.org feeds - Zee selalu berharap dia bisa terbang. iiSUBSCRIBE untuk menonton Episode Oddbods Baru setiap minggu: http://bit.ly/2SDAgKK iu Untuk Menonton Lebih Banyak Tonton Playlist Lucu Oddbodsiu nEpisode Baru: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=66fYZf0PkUo&list=PLjUN0HiE3w65_g3UxNZaOtG6nsXVG5ve6 nEpisode Lengkap: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=66fYZf0PkUo&list=PLjUN0HiE3w64HcQbwcJFhVJvjCL6scswj nMainan Oddbods dan lainnya tersedia di Amazon https://bit.ly/3ir31sQ Kartun lucu ini menampilkan 7 teman berbulu ketika mereka tertawa dan belajar melalui kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu kartun terlucu untuk anak-anak; kamu akan tertawa terbahak-bahak! 7 warna ODDBODS: ---------------------------------------- eNewt - pink - perhatian dan manis euJeff - ungu - suka bebersih dan rapi eoPogo - biru - senang bercanda, suka bermain trik yaFuse - merah - berotot dan berkemauan kuat eoZee - hijau - suka makan dan tidur Slick - oranye - kucing keren, suka pesta euBubbles - kuning - pintar, suka sains dan penemuan #oddbods #oddbodsbahasa #oddbods2021 #oddbodsepisodelengkap #kartunoddbods #filmkartunoddbods #episodebaru #episodebaruoddbods #kartunanak #anakanak #laguanakanak #filmanakanak #cartoonforkids #kartunanakindonesia #kartunlucu #kartunterbaik 00:00 Mimpi Jatoh! 00:57 The Rings 01:55 Incentive 02:37 Bag to School 03:46 Trick Or Treat 04:46 Franken-Slick 05:08 Music 05:54 Zee Food Quest 06:50 Ignite 07:54 Sos 08:48 Baseball 02 09:38 Santa Delivery 10:57 Dinobone 11:53 Scary 12:47 Pizza Assembly 13:47 Zee Recycles 15:03 Ghost 15:41 Night Visitor 16:40 Visiting Hours 17:35 Loggerheads 18:38 Parking Ticket 19:29 B.O. 20:03 Photocopy 3.0 20:41 Checker Challange 21:43 Drawbridge 22:48 CNY - Fortune 23:38 Walk the Plank 24:36 Christmas Factory 25:40 Vacuum 26:26 Faint Hearted 27:37 Photoshoot 28:37 Juicy Turkey 29:24 Bad Brownies 30:18 Macro

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  3. KEPELESET ngeshortsdulu divatheseries shorts GKJW Feeds
    KEPELESET #ngeshortsdulu #divatheseries #shortsKEPELESET #ngeshortsdulu #divatheseries #shorts

    GKJW.org Feeds - KEPELESET #ngeshortsdulu #divatheseries #shorts Diva The Series merupakan serial televisi untuk anak Indonesia yang diproduksi oleh Kastari Animation ( PT.Kastari Sentra Media) . Bercerita tentang gadis kecil bernama Diva yang selalu ditemani oleh kucing putih yang lucu bernama Pupus. Bersama teman temannya dengan latar belakang suku dan agama yang berbeda, Mona, Febi, Putu dan Tomi, banyak konflik seru yang terjadi setiap hari. Ada nilai moral dan pesan positif untuk anak-anak Indonesia yang disajikan di setiap episode Diva The Series. Melalui serial ini, diharapkan anak anak Indonesia mendapatkan tontonan kartun anak produksi asli Indonesia yang menarik dan mendidik. Bersama Kastari Animation, berikan media hiburan yang terbaik dan mendidik untuk anak anak Indonesia. #divatheseries #kartundiva #kartunanak

    1. 6 Jun 2024
    2. Diva The Series OfficialDiva The Series Official
  4. Gretel terjebak i Live Siaran Langsung Cerita Kartun Bahasa Indonesia
    Gretel terjebak! i Live! Siaran Langsung | Cerita Kartun Bahasa IndonesiaGretel terjebak! i Live! Siaran Langsung | Cerita Kartun Bahasa Indonesia

    GKJW.org Feeds - Gretel terjebak! acPermainan Barusac iCollect the Apples & Dress Upi naGoogle Play StorecO: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=game.patigamestudio.collecttheapples&referrer=utm_source=youtube_channel saApple StorecO: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6449216445? pt=125119716&ct=youtube_channel&mt=8 eParental Guidance: Some material of this video may not be suitable for children below 13 years of age. yaya Klik Di Sini dan Berlangganan! yaya https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChVu2VqzVuGsJoOIM-UPleA Tonton Selengkapnya KONDOSAN Bahasa Indonesia eUTonton video terbaru: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVic0CbD79oZeMPC5Z_rvIyB eUDongeng Klasik Terindah di Dunia: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVjthsCBRi1BC0NJ-V60drGN eUSerigala dan Tujuh Kambing Kecil: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaViS5QWB6in7rbGeuSqjCveu eUVideo Terpopuler: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaViL4NZ0LgiEhWVT572Tw8a1 eURapunzel di dunia saat ini: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaViTe6OkZiYJfP8muv_7n-F9 eUDongeng Putri: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVhi_ki4ig-OP1XQYbLiAhuC eUDongeng Bahasa Indonesia: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVi-Do5d3maki0RE0TvEsgz0 eUPutri Cinderella - Dongeng: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVh-B8-nLgkAlhkS3sJim_HV eUHansel dan Gretel - Dongeng: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVgvUVHKRBt4J3HUB0zliXZp eUPutri Rapunzel - Dongeng: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVjz_J3DBrY1BlmRWL56dG9X eURatu Salju - Dongeng: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVi92g_DBvFQP_xD6SZJ1S5_ eUPutri Salju ( The Snow White) - Dongeng: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVhY6BRGWLO9WncRS_AA4avG eUPetualangan Serigala ( The Wolf's Adventures) - Dongeng: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVjVQCnXp3xsTy7oUooZTiIj eUSemua Dongeng dan Cerita Sebelum Tidur: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLfFD2hgFiaVh37l2R4ToD7sJJKcHx4tFT eUCerita Kami Yang Lain: Serigala dan Tujuh Anak Domba: https://youtu.be/tpZe1Q50zx8 Ikuti KONDOSAN: Facebook: https://facebook.com/kondosankidstv Instagram: https://instagram.com/kondosankidstv/ Website: http://ai-turkey.com KONDOSAN Global: KONDOSAN English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZx0o4Prt79SOdFKfGcAjIQ? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN German: https://youtube.com/channel/UC4m7czJwW8NCXHqytTSYPHA? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Arabic: https://youtube.com/channel/UCwzfz8LZn8gM7r6OYLvy6vw? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Turkish: https://youtube.com/channel/UCq3XnfxI0EhByG2VHMuYZ4w? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Russian: https://youtube.com/channel/UC4OAx1aI8OLh9nxjy7YUaGg? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Portuguese: https://youtube.com/channel/UCUSZQlDxNyYNMsQnYR0Zy3g? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Spanish: https://youtube.com/channel/UCD3Ev89rNa0IprOinX6xhcQ? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Norwegian: https://youtube.com/channel/UCDBTpvHcuT0jf1xN8M5Lpvw? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Thai: https://youtube.com/channel/UCdWqMMqx5BPUmhG2DgdoaMw? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Vietnamese: https://youtube.com/channel/UCRIpOCZ1AyhwGTO48u1tStQ? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Chinese: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjC-YQ2Pzu1tJqWDjmS0tg? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN French: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdAbuoL5In702V9tO3hMrw? sub_confirmation=1 KONDOSAN Filipino: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4A00TEmL7rqjRph7L9eCQ KONDOSAN Hindi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4A00TEmL7rqjRph7L9eCQ KONDOSAN Italiano: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0BFISQWr2M8nOR62rrIXw Tentang KONDOSAN: KONDOSAN membuat video dongeng unik dalam berbagai bahasa! Tonton dan dengarkan cerita yang kami buat untuk bersenang-senang! Setiap video animasi dibuat secara unik dan di-dubbing dalam beberapa bahasa oleh tim kami untuk memastikan kualitas yang baik. Disclaimer eKONDOSAN Indonesian Channel and all of its videos are not Audirected to childrenAy within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. A 312.2 of CHILDREN'S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT ( USA) are not intended for children under 13 years of age. eKONDOSAN Indonesian Channel and its owner( s) , agents, representatives, and employees do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of KONDOSAN Indonesian Channel. Further, KONDOSAN Indonesian Channel denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data collection. Contact: [email protected] Video: Copyright 2024 AI Lisans Paz ve Tic A..A Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2024 AI Lisans Paz ve Tic A..A All characters and logos used here are the registered trademarks of AI Lisans Paz ve Tic A..A Copyright AI Lisans Paz ve Tic A..A All Rights Reserved. #KONDOSAN #dongeng #Live

    1. 28 May 2024
    2. KONDOSAN bahasa Indonesia Cerita KartunKONDOSAN bahasa Indonesia Cerita Kartun